Saturday, October 06, 2012

LPN: 1-16 Lost Flight 815

Lost Flight 815: Sawyer is convinced he's being singled out by a wild boar with a serious vendetta against him. As he tries to convince Kate that he's not really crazy, we learn a great deal about our favorite Island bad guy through some very revealing Flashbacks. Hurley and Sayid try to convince Charlie that he's in need of some friend time to get him over what happened with Ethan. Will Sawyer find the boar with an attitude? Will Charlie come to grips with what he did? Will Jack ever gather enough firewood? Tune in to find out! Outlaws was the 16th episode of Lost and originally aired on February 16, 2005. Join us for Lost: Outlaws, as we watch the episode and share the audio, our comments and behind the scenes information about one of the greatest television shows of all time. We’re now part of the Lost Podcast Network at! How about giving some feedback on the show in iTunes?