Wednesday, March 31, 2010
LPN: 6-10: Not An Other LOST Podcast
1. Will you be able to watch LOST next week?
2. How annoying was that V clock?
3. Did Smokey cause Sun to stop speaking English?
4. Is sideways Sun pregnant with Jin's baby?
5. Does Mikhail come back to life again?
Plus, as alway: How Does LOST End? The "Will It End Happy?" edition?
MP3 File
LPN: 6-10: Cranky Fanatic
I also give a mini-update on my Lost iPhone app.
Click Here to download.
Labels: abc lost, Big-O, cranky fanatic, iphone
LPN: 6-9: After LOST
mp3 - iTunes - RSS
LPN: 6-10: What Katy Said
MP3 File
LPN: 6-10: Get Lost Podcast
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, Get Lost Podcast, lost podcast, podcast
LPN: 6-10: Levinson News Clips
MP3 File
LPN: 6-10: (FIX) LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-10: Donald, Matt and Heath are Lost!
Donald is Lost: Here is the Initial Reaction for “The Package” featuring Donald, heath and Matt. Vote on the episode at…leave an email: and/or call 206-984-1289
Download MP3Tuesday, March 30, 2010
LPN: 6-10: Delta Park Gets Lost

'The Package' - S06E10 - Widmore's goons play a game of darts; Jin put his name on a special Dharma Map; TOP BUTTON SEDUCTION; and Jack is ready for Destiny.
LPN: 6-9: the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast
Download MP3 Now! (75 minutes)
LPN: 6-10: The Package Initial Reaction
The Package Initial Reaction
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
Click Here To Download
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 10, "The Package."
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN 6-9: The Lost Community
you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, have any theories, discover any clues, or just want to say "Hi!", contact (mp3 comments are accepted as well), or leave a voice mail or fax at (206) 202-3512.
Episode 74 - Ab Aeterno
LPN: 6-8: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: Recon
Our reconnaissance of Recon is finally complete.
We delve deep into the soul of James Ford and book a double therapy session for Smokey
and Claire. Warning this podcast contains sea shanties. Enjoy.
MP3 File
Monday, March 29, 2010
LPN : 6-X : The Lost Revisited Now
LPN 6-9: The Lost Lowdown
Episode 6.9 "Ab Aeterno"
An in-depth look into the ninth episode of Season 6 "Ab Aeterno"
Download Here
LPN: 6-9: Behind the Cutting Edge {Explicit}
Lots of info, lots of answers, lots of callers. Good Times!
You can listen to us here:
[Subscribe with itunes]
Call us 209.LOL.BTCE
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[Follow Me on Twitter]
LPN: 6-X: Keys To LOST
LPN: 6-9: The TV Critic's LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: The Smoke Hatch (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-X: Lost Mythos Thoerycast
LPN: 6-X: Lost Mythos Theorycast
LPN: 6-9: Black Rock: Ab Aeterno
A great week of dialog from our fans but a really difficult task of integrating it all.
For more Nancy Drew
Sunday, March 28, 2010
LPN: 6-9: Donald is Lost
Donald is Lost: Join Donald as he wraps up discussions on Ab Aeterno the Richard centric episode of Lost. Email: Voicemail: 206-984-129
LPN: 6-X: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-9: The Transmission
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: The Coconut Telegraph
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: MKLOST (Explicit)
MP3 File
Saturday, March 27, 2010
LPN: 6-9: Ab Aeterno Initial Review
Ab Aeterno Initial Review
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
Click Here To Download
In this episode, Stephanie and I give a review of what the community has to say about Season 6 Episode 9, "Ab Aeterno."
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN: 6-9: ReThinking LOST
LPN: 6-9: Galactica Dradis is LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: LOSTChatter
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: UnLocke LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: All About LOST
LPN: 6-9 : The Lost Revisited Now
For TLRNow updates, follow Heatha dn Wendy on twitter :
Friday, March 26, 2010
LPN: 6-X: ReThinking LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan
LPN: 6-9: Jacob's Cabin
Download the mp3
LPN: 6-9: Jacob's Cabin (in Spanish!)
Download the mp3
LPN: 6-9: Lost Mythos Theorycast
Labels: abc lost abc theories mythos
Thursday, March 25, 2010
LPN: 6-9: Keys To LOST
LPN: 6-9: Creative Loafing's LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: Not An Other LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: Levinson News Clips
MP3 File
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
LPN: 6-9 The LOST Mystery Podcast with Anton and Evan
MP3 File
Labels: Lost Mystery Podcast, Richard Alpert
LPN: 6-9: What Katy Said
MP3 File
LPN: 6-9: Cranky Fanatic
I also give a mini-update on my Lost iPhone app, and announce my plans for a second one.
Click Here to download.
Labels: abc lost, Big-O, cranky fanatic, iphone
LPN: 6-9: Get Lost Podcast
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, Get Lost Podcast, lost podcast, podcast
LPN: 6-9: Lost Mythos Live
LPN: 6-9: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-9: Unlocke Lost
MP3 File
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
LPN: 6-9: Delta Park Gets Lost

"Ab Aeterno" - S06E09 - Richard Richard and a little bit more Richard. A ride on the Black Rock. A smash into the statue. A conversation with a ghost. AND plenty of HELL talk.
LPN: 6-9: Ab Aeterno Initial Reaction
Ab Aeterno Initial Reaction
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
Click Here To Download
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our Initial Reaction to Season 6 Episode 9, "Ab Aeterno."
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN: 6-X: Keys To LOST
Monday, March 22, 2010
LPN 6-7 & 8: The Lost Community
If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, have any theories, discover any clues, or just want to say "Hi!", contact (mp3 comments are accepted as well), or leave a voice mail or fax at (206) 202-3512.
Episode 73 - Dr. Linus/Recon
LPN: 6-8: The Coconut Telegraph
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: The TV Critic's LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: The Smoke Hatch (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Behind the Cutting Edge {Explicit}
In this episode we are back together in B’ham and as always we talk about Lost and figure out nothing.
You can listen to us here:
[Subscribe with itunes]
Call us 209.LOL.BTCE
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Labels: abc, behind the cutting edge, funny, Hurley Reyes, John Locke, kate austin, lost, lost numbers, oceanic flight 815, premier, smoke monster
LPN: 6-8: Black Rock: Recon
We'll start with James' AT and look for clues to see if there are similes to our island story. Is their a showdown coming at Locke's wedding. Is Jame's not a good liar in the AT?
For more Nancy Drew
Sunday, March 21, 2010
LPN: 6-X: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-x: Donald is Lost!
Donald is Lost: Join Axel Foley from the Lost Mythos Therycast as we explore his amazing story in the Alt and some exciting reveals on the Island. Looking for a “normal” podcast for Recon? It’s the episode prior to this one.
LPN: 6-8: All About LOST
LPN: 6-8: UnLocke LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: ReThinking LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7&8: LOSTCasts
This week's podcast focuses on the last two episodes of LOST, season 6, Dr. Linus and Recon. Join Tasha and John as we talk about Ben's redemption and possible importance as a candidate, and Sawyer's continued inability to make a choice or move beyond his old ways of revenge and the con.
Labels: abc lost, lost, lost podcast, lostcasts
LPN: 6-8: It Only Ends Once
MP3 File
Saturday, March 20, 2010
LPN: 6-8: Recond Weekend Review
Recon Weekend Review
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
Click Here To Download
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our Weekend Review to Season 6 Episode 8, "Recon."
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN: 6-8: The Transmission
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Lost Mythos Theorycast
Labels: abc lost podcast theories mythos
LPN: 6-8: Donald and Jed are Lost!
Donald is Lost: In this episode Me and Jed from Losties with Jed and Cara explore the episode through 8 questions, In the communication station your feedback takes control and Charlotte is seeing double in the Finer Things Club. Call in your thoughts anytime 206-984-1289.
Friday, March 19, 2010
LPN: 6-8: Galactica Dradis is LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: LOSTlogue Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: MKLOST (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Keys To LOST
To submit feedback send e-mail to or call 314-754-9662
Thursday, March 18, 2010
LPN: 6-8: Creative Loafing's LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Jacob's Cabin
Download the mp3
LPN: 6-8: LOSTcasting With Wayne & Dan
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan
LPN: 6-8: The LOST Mystery Podcast with Anton and Evan
MP3 File
Labels: Lost Mystery Podcast
LPN : 6-8 : The Lost Revisited Now
Download MP3
LPN: 6-8: Not An Other LOST Podcast
MP3 File
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
LPN: 6-8: LOSTChatter
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Cranky Fanatic
In the mean time, go buy my Lost Trivia game for iphone!
Click Here to download.
Labels: abc lost, Big-O, cranky fanatic, iphone
LPN: 6-8: What Katy Said
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: God Loved Jacob
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Black Rock: Recon - Community Call
Another amazing episode with lots of exposition and more 'hand' / 'touching' references.
For more Nancy Drew
LPN: 6-8: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-8: the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast
Also, a fresh look at insights into the smoke monster from two Season 4 episodes, "The Shape of Things to Come" and "Something Nice Back Home".
And if that weren't enough, there's also an in-depth discussion of the revelations from the latest Official LOST Podcast and what their implications might be for the remainder of the series.
Lots of theories and insights are discussed as always! Detailed show notes
Download MP3 Now! (57 minutes)
LPN: 6-8: Keys To LOST
LPN: 6-7: the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast
Download MP3 Now! (80 minutes)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
LPN: 6-8: Levinson News Clips
MP3 File
LPN: 6-8: Lost Mythos Live Call In
LPN: 6-8: The Smoke Hatch (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-X A Lost Podcasting Documentary
A Lost Podcasting Documentary
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
Click Here To Download
In this episode, I interview Alex, from who is currently in the filming stage of a documentary on the lost podcasting community.
LPN: 6-8: Recon Initial Reaction
Recon Initial Reaction
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
Click Here To Download
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 8, "Recon."
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN: 6-8: Jacob's Cabin
Download the mp3
LPN: 6-7: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Listener Feedback: Dr. Linus
In the all listener feedback podcast we discuss your theories about angels, devils and the downside of eternal youth. Namaste and enjoy.
MP3 File
Monday, March 15, 2010
LPN: 6-7: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: Dr. Linus Part Two
In part two of our thesis statement on Benjamin Linus we wonder just how many lies Flocke has told and what "island magic" he shares in common with Jacob. Plus we marvel at Jack's pyromaniac tendencies and address the morality of Charles Widmore. Enjoy.
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: God Loved Jacob
MP3 File
LPN: 6-X: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-7: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: Dr. Linus Part One
In part one of our dissertation on Dr. Benjamin Linus we discuss the metaphor of Elba, a new and improved Ben on-island and the similarities between Ricardos on Ilana. Enjoy and Namaste.
MP3 File
Sunday, March 14, 2010
LPN: 6-7: The TV Critic's LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: ReThinking LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: The Coconut Telegraph
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: All About LOST
LPN: 6-7: Behind the Cutting Edge {Explicit}
In this episode I am away and on VOIP and Billy and James are over at his place. So I may be a little hard to hear, but it's a good show anyway. We had some fantastic Google voice calls this week! Keep the calls coming!
209-LOL-BTCE. Good times!
You can listen to us here:
[Subscribe with itunes]
Call us 209.LOL.BTCE
[Email us]
[Follow Me on Twitter]
Labels: abc, behind the cutting edge, funny, Hurley Reyes, John Locke, kate austin, lost, lost numbers, oceanic flight 815, premier, smoke monster
LPN: 6-7: Wanna Try Another Stick?
Dr Linus Weekend Review
Be sure to RSVP for the LOST Series Finale Party!
In this episode, Stephanie and I give a weekend review of Season 6 Episode 7, "Dr. Linus."
Click Here To Download
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN: 6-7: UnLocke LOST
MP3 File
Saturday, March 13, 2010
LPN: 6-7: Keys To LOST
Friday, March 12, 2010
LPN: 6-7: Donald is Lost!
Download MP3
LPN: 6-7: The Lost Mythos Theorycast
LPN: 6-7: Station 7
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: What Katy Said
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: Donald and Alex are Lost!
Download MP3
LPN: 6-7: MKLOST (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: Galactica Dradis is LOST
MP3 File
Thursday, March 11, 2010
LPN: 6-7: LOSTChatter
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: Jacob's Cabin
Download the mp3
LPN: 6-7: LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan
LPN: 6-7 The LOST Mystery Podcast with Anton and Evan
MP3 File
Labels: Lost Mystery Podcast
LPN : 6-7 : The Lost Revisited Now
Follow Heath and wendy on twitter : and
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
LPN: 6-7: LOSTlogue Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: Not An Other LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: Creative Loafing's LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-7: Get Lost Podcast
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, Get Lost Podcast, lost podcast, podcast
LPN: 6-7: Cranky Fanatic
Also an update on my Lost App. It got rejected! Ack! But I've already fixed it and re-submitted, and I've announced the details. It's called Lost Answers, and is a Lost Trivia app! I'll let you know when it's ready for prime time. Should be just a couple of days.
Click Here to download.
Labels: abc lost, Big-O, cranky fanatic
LPN: 6-7: Black Rock: Dr Linus
Another amazing episode with lots of exposition and a whole new perspective on the AT. James mirror universe theory is getting some legs!
LPN: 6-7: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-7: The Transmission
MP3 File
If you want TLRNow updates : follow Heath :
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
LPN: 6-6: the JoshMeister's LOST Podcast
Download MP3 Now! (89 minutes)
LPN: 6-7: Dr Linus Initial Reaction
Dr Linus Initial Reaction
Click Here To Download
In this episode, Stephanie and I give our initial reaction to Season 6 Episode 7, "Dr. Linus."
Don't forget to give us a call on our listener line. It's open and ready for your call 24hrs a day. The number is 859-795-4067
LPN: 6-6: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Listener Feedback: Sundown
We asked for your theories and you delivered. Enjoy and Namaste.
MP3 File
Monday, March 08, 2010
LPN: 6-6: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: Sundown Part Two
n part two of our analysis of Sundown we debate whether true Jacobians would have fallen on their swords or take up with MIB. We also find it impressive that Claire could be creepier than she was in The Lighthouse but are equally frightened by her new remix of Aaron's lullaby. Enjoy.
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: Sundown Part One
In part one of our analysis of Sundown we contemplate if Sayid was ever a "good man?" We also delve into just how much Illana knows about Smokey and wonder how anyone in their right mind can actually think UnLocke is up to anything good. Enjoy.
MP3 File
LPN 6-6: The Lost Community
If you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, have any theories, discover any clues, or just want to say "Hi!", contact (mp3 comments are accepted as well), or leave a voice mail or fax at (206) 202-3512.
Episode 72
LPN : 6-X : The Lost Revisited Now
LPN: 6-6: Black Rock: Sundown
We'll start with Sayid's AT and look for clues to see if it is a 'bargain' and then get back to the island and how the balance of the scales have tipped now that we are entering into the Darkness.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
LPN: 6-X: Keys To LOST
LPN: 6-X: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-6: God Loved Jacob
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: ReThinking LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: The Smoke Hatch (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: MKLOST (Explicit)
a good thing not a bad thing.
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: LOSTCasts
This latest podcast focuses on season 6, episode 6 of LOST, Sundown. Join Matt, Robert and John as we talk about this latest episode of LOST, including Sayid's flash sideways, interesting new connections to Egyptian symbolism, speculation about the path of each of our losties, thoughts on the final season and much more.
Labels: abc, abc lost, lost, lost podcast, lostcasts, podcast
Saturday, March 06, 2010
LPN: 6-6: Lost Revelations Podcast
Good vs. Evil, Smokey vs. the Devil, The “Lost Supper” image, coming to fruition, Has Sayid turned evil? Will Kate join Smokey’s team? Will we ever learn Smokey’s real name? What do you think?
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: The Coconut Telegraph
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: UnLocke LOST
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: All About LOST
of the deal, we discuss Nadia's goodness and Sayid's badness, and plan
to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of the show.
LPN: 6-X: Lost Mythos Theorycast
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost podcast theories mythos
LPN: 6-X: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-6: LOSTcasting With Wayne & Dan
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost, LOSTcasting With Wayne And Dan
LPN: 6-6: Behind the Cutting Edge {Explicit}
Another great episode of Lost and that gave us tons to talk about and we also got into another set of awesome voicemails. We are having big fun with these and need your help to keep it going so Call us after each Lost episode 209-LOL-BTCE. Good times!
You can listen to us here:
[Subscribe with itunes]
Call us 209.LOL.BTCE
[Email us]
[Follow Me on Twitter]
Labels: abc, behind the cutting edge, funny, Hurley Reyes, John Locke, kate austin, lost, lost numbers, oceanic flight 815, premier, smoke monster
Friday, March 05, 2010
LPN : 6-6 : The Lost Revisited Now
LPN: 6-6: Jacob's Cabin
Download the mp3
LPN: 6-6: Lost Mythos Theorycast
LPN: 6-6: Galactica Dradis is LOST
MP3 File
Thursday, March 04, 2010
LPN: 6-6: Donald is Lost!
Donald is Lost: In this episode we introduce a few new segments, have some awesome feedback and a call in Grinds my Gears. Charlotte has her hands full with Keamy in the Finer Things Club and we unveil the 10 keys to Lost. Leave a comment, vote on the Hot Awards , send an email and leave a voicemail 206-984-1289.
LPN: 6-6: Not An Other LOST Podcast
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: Keys To LOST
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
LPN: 6-6: Creative Loafing's LOST Podcast (Updated)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: LOSTChatter
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: Levinson News Clips
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6 The LOST Mystery Podcast with Anton and Evan
MP3 File
Labels: Lost Mystery Podcast
LPN: 6-5: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: The Lighthouse Part Two
In Part two of our investigation of The Lighthouse, we determine who would win between Danielle and Claire in a "crazy-off." We also wonder what Jack has left to do and why Smokey is so obsessed with the Shephard siblings. Enjoy.
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: Matt Donald and Heath are Lost
Download MP3
LPN: 6-6: What Katy Said
MP3 File
LPN: 6-6: Lost Mythos Live
MP3 File
Labels: abc lost abc theories mythos
LPN: 6-6: Cranky Fanatic
Be sure to listen in to the beginning where I tease my upcoming Lost iPhone app!
Click Here to download.
Labels: abc lost, Big-O, cranky fanatic
LPN: 6-6: LOSTies with Jed & Cara (Video)
You can watch a streamed version at Check it!
M4V File
LPN: 6-6: Black Rock: Sundown - Community Call
Sayid can, then fight some more and then again. Here we thought it was the Ash keeping Smocke out, doh!
LPN: 6-6: The Transmission
MP3 File
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
LPN: 6-6: The Smoke Hatch (Explicit)
MP3 File
LPN: 6-5: Dharma Dummies
Dharma Dummies Reactions and Analysis: The Lighthouse Part One
It's LOST Day and with it brings another Reactions podcast from the Dharma Dummies. In part one, we try to answer the question of how Jacob uses the Lighthouse? Why is Jack so scared of his destiny? And who is coming to the Island? Enjoy.
MP3 File
LPN : 6-X : The Lost Revisited Now
LPN: 6-5: Black Rock: Lighthouse - Community Call
Ooohhh, another good one with lots of exposition, a new landmark and more name and numbers, including Kate's.
Monday, March 01, 2010
LPN: 6-5: Behind the Cutting Edge {Explicit}
We went live Friday night and had a great time talking about Lost and to everyone we also got into some awesome voicemails. Good Times!
You can listen to us here:
[Subscribe with itunes]
Call us 209.LOL.BTCE
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LPN: 6-5: LOST Revelations
MP3 File