Tuesday, June 06, 2006

LPN: 2-X: Your Theories About Lost

Your Theories About Lost: I’d like to introduce the beginning of the first Semi-annual MEGA Theory Contest. If you have an incredibly detailed theory of what Lost is about, go to the YourTheories.com Message Board. Under the Your Theories About It All section, you will find the MEGA Theory category. Click on it and post your theory. Each MEGA Theory posted will be featured in a Bi-weekly podcast. The Tuesday podcast will still consist of theories posted on the other sections of the message board. However, there will be a second podcast released every Friday or Saturday devoted solely to MEGA Theories.

Entries will be taken from now until the beginning of September. After which, you may vote on your favorite MEGA Theory on the YourTheories.com website. The winner will be announced the Tuesday before the Season 3 premier.

The prize will be announced on a near future podcast and this post.

Now start racking your brains and get posting.

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